Friday, April 24, 2015

GET UP and GO Secrets

Hey guys!  I don't know how many of you out there are night owls like me, but if you are then you might relate not only to the challenge of getting yourself to bed at a reasonable hour, but then up early with actual MOTIVATION to be productive.  I am what you might call a night person with the dreadful desire to be a morning person.  I get these energy kicks that roll in at 2am, but I know that I feel my best when the sun is up and I have a full tank of sleep in my noggin.. and only good can come from feeling good! (thus my desire to change)

In October of last year I discovered the Accidental Creative while stocking up on podcasts for my subway hauls into Manhattan after recently moving from the west coast to Brooklyn.  I instantly fell in love and since committing myself to earlier mornings, they have become just as essential as my Flat White in the morning (a ritual I established while living down under in Melbourne). Uh, not much beats a good flat white. ;)  

Anyways, it's time I spread the word and share one of my favourite episodes (of MANY) by Todd Henry of the Accidental Creative, THE POWER OF A MORNING RITUAL.  Because..

What you do first thing in the morning often sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Another thing I finally started making use of are the articles and "cheat sheets" on the website.  
I guess you can never be reminded of some things too many times ;)

Here's the Cheat Sheet from this episode:

Get up at the same time each day. If possible, set your alarms in advance for each day in order to establish your plan. (I use the Gentle Wake app on my Pebble Watch, but you can use any smartphone for the same purpose.)

There are four key elements of my MORNING RITUAL


-  Plan 20 minutes to read something that challenges you, or fills your well.

-  Plan 10 minutes to read something short-form that is purely for inspiration.

  • -  Spend 15 minutes simply allowing your mind to wander, and noting whatever crosses your thoughts.
  • -  A great app I’d recommend for this is called CALM.
  • - Spend 10 minutes free-writing and doing a "Brain Dump".  A few fantastic resources to help you consider how to do this more effectively are The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and Accidental Genius by Mark Levy.


  • -  Spend 5 minutes considering your upcoming day, your appointments, and your tasks. Engage in E-M-P-T-Y reflection (Ethic, Mission, People, Tasks, You). To learn more about this, see Chapter 11 of Die Empty.

REMEMBER: Your systems exist to serve you, not the other way around. Cut yourself some slack if you miss a few days. Adapt your rhythms to fit your needs. 

Hope this helps guys, and hope you got something out of the podcast.  Honestly listening to this as I get ready in the morning or during my commute really helps get the ball rolling, and if your in need of some ball rolling, I hope it does the same for you.

Find more inspiring episodes on STITCHER or THE ACCIDENTAL CREATIVE website. There's a new one EVERY THURSDAY!

WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS OR TIPS FOR A PRODUCTIVE MORNING?  I'd love to hear what tricks you've got up your sleeve!

[xo] the garage gypsy

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